About Us
VirginIslandsThisWeek.com is presented by Metro Caribbean that produces destination content and publications in the U.S. Virgin Islands, including our monthly St. Thomas+St. John This Week and St. Croix This Week magazines and our St. Thomas in A Day annual guide handed out to cruise ship passengers coming into port on St. Thomas.
Our publishing roots go back more than 60 years in the Virgin Islands and we have the most up to date information for planning your visit to America’s Paradise!
In addition to our destination guides and products, we also offer a full range of digital services and products ranging from website development and social media management to targeted digital advertising in the Greater Caribbean through our ChartLocal division.
Our parent company is Metro Market Media, based north of Atlanta with a portfolio of newspapers, websites, magazines and a travel company.
For advertising information on virginislandsthisweek.com, St. Thomas-St. John This Week magazine, St. Thomas in A Day cruise passenger guide or Digital Services, please contact Charlotte Atkins or Kelly Shea at 340-774-2500 or by email at catkins@stthomasthisweek.com or [email protected]
For advertising information for St. Croix This Week magazine, please contact Susan Wall at [email protected]
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