Powerboat Island-Hopping with Lion In Da Sun!

Powerboat Island-Hopping with Lion In Da Sun!Lion In Da Sun is owned and operated by Captain Rick Maes who has been around boats his entire life. When Rick came to the Virgin Islands in 2006, he left behind a colorful career in the northeast as the Captain of many different types of boats.
After an adventurous wintertime Atlantic crossing in a 37′ sailboat from New Jersey to St. John, Rick discovered a new world that was both Caribbean and American. “At first I was here to deliver a boat, maybe see the Cays, and go home. But after sailing around to such amazing places as Jost Van Dyke and Norman Island, I knew I wanted to find a way to live and work here.”
Rick ran powerboat day charters out of St. Thomas and St. John for other charter companies for four years. In 2010 he took his next step, purchased Lion In Da Sun, and began running his own charter business. “We love taking people to all the places they’ve heard of and also to some of the hidden places we’ve discovered during our adventures throughout the islands”.
Imagine enjoying your carefree time and unforgettable experience in the Caribbean onboard Lion In Da Sun, with Rick guiding you to one wonderful place after another. He looks forward to you enjoying yourself out on our beautiful Caribbean waters soon.

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