VI Bridal Guide: Party Flames

VI Bridal Guide: Party FlamesAs a Bridal Guide and photographer, many of the couples I work with have a fantasy that their wedding reception will last all night long and, in the end, they will exit through a crowd of cheering guests and sparklers into the night!
But as with many things in life, great parties should be measured by how they are sustained, not how they end. Like a campfire, great parties often start slow, eventually build to a great height of fun and excitement but die down at some point.
Destination weddings are great because ‘the party’ seems to go on for days. Yet, usually by 10 pm on the night of a wedding, when most venues in the USVI need to observe noise ordinances by 10 or 11 pm, most guests are still excited and willing to rally even though tired from days of travel, sun, and cocktails.
Do not despair! The next day still has a lot to offer in the way of celebration but, if you are planning a **Dramatic Exit, I would recommend not waiting until the end of your reception. “Then what’s the point,” you ask? Hear me out.
Parties are about flow and timing. Again, like a campfire, when the party flames begin to die the party needs to be stoked. To make this happen, consider opening the dessert bar, or perform the bouquet and garter tosses, etc. Also, instead of holding the **Dramatic Exit at the end, stage it with your photographer earlier in the reception while the kids and grandparents are still awake and everyone is still looking “fresh.”
With photography, images can be placed in any order to tell a story; only you and your guests will know how it really happened! After this, everyone can continue to party like Rock Stars. You get an awesome photo op and your guests get to keep the party going…at least until 11 pm.
**Dramatic Exit: when a couple leaves or exits their reception through a soul train-esque line of people waving sparklers, pom-poms or any other wavy, sparkly attention grabbing device.
VI Bridal GuideFor more info, planning tips, and resources visit
Quiana L. Adams, Managing Editor

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